Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ash tom 2015

Parte de la exhibición "Blanco y negro" presentada en la Galería de la Universidad de Las Palmas.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Genesis segun santa rosa, 2013

Watched, 2012

Trapped, 2012

Violence against women is an a way you are trapped in a body that is consider somehow spendable...fear is tatooed in our lifes as we see our peers being raped, killed or slaved...trapped in a female body for five thousand more...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Not fast enough, 2012

There is something about time that horrifies me, it chages depending of my mood, horrible things seem to live forever as the beautiful ones simply dissapear...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I have always hear the screams, 2012

I have always suffered when I see trees hurt, scratched, seems to me that they do suffer but maybe it is just me...or not...
This was taped as I walk horrified with my son in a small forest that meant a lot to us and that was being destroyed...